
My Work

Social Media Strategy Sample for Stokr

Target Audience:

  • Startups. “Average Joe.” Retailers. Smaller/medium businesses looking to invest.

Brand Voice:

  • A helper/connector providing a line between investors and ventures. Providing reassurance and support. Stokr is confident and welcoming. They add ease and simplify investment solutions making them accessible to any company. Providing comfort and safety through sophisticated security of Ethereum’s Blockchain.


  • By determining a monthly theme, we can put together a strategy for social media posts and schedule each month. Depending on the industry, optimal scheduling times will vary as well as frequency of posts. This is where studying post analytics over the course of a month will be a great benefit to refine a schedule. I’ve chosen the theme of Blockchain and how it correlates to investment. Instead of forcing the connection Stokr has, we can indirectly relate these posts to Stokr.

Layout Post for LinkedIn

LinkedIn Post.png

Layout Post for Twitter

Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 3.03.17 PM.png

Layout Post for Facebook

Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 3.05.33 PM.png

Layout Post for Instagram

Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 3.13.53 PM.png

In conclusion, you can see the variations of how a post will display per the platform and whether leaving a link is necessary or not, e.g., Instagram and Twitter need the links, while Facebook and LinkedIn’s preview picture is the link, so we can remove the link itself.

Thank you for taking the time to read this sample work of what just one string of posts could look like.

Ehron OstendorfComment